What is real Spiritual-Mindedness? - Herbert W Armstrong - February 1934
HOW Often do we hear one say "He is so spiritual." or "Those people are not very spiritual. What IS it to be spiritual? Do you know? Here is the plain truth from the Bible, plainly stated. WE Need,...
View ArticleQUESTIONS and ANSWERS - Herbert W Armstrong - February 1934
Where did Cain get his wife? - Where does the Bible foretell of the automobile? - How can we "lay up treasures in heaven? - Information Supplied By: Herbert W Armstrong Library
View ArticleEDITORIAL - Herbert W Armstrong - February 1934
In these anxious days of stress, turmoil and strife; of revolution and economic collapse; of war and fear of war; of confusion before a bewildering onslaught of creeds, dogmas, fables and false...
View ArticleIs a World Dictator About to Appear? - Herbert W Armstrong - February 1934
WILL it be Mussolini, Stalin, or Roosevelt? Everybody senses that something is WRONG with the world... that some mighty event is about to occur. What is it? Bible prophecy tells! Here is a solemn...
View ArticleARE THE TEN COMMANDMENTS IN THE LAW OF MOSES? - Herbert W Armstrong - May 1934
And it is a law complete in itself, for HE ADDED NO MORE. Since this law did not come by or thru Moses, it cannot be called the law of Moses. Nowhere in all the Bible can you find a single one of the...
View ArticleYou can have PLENTY regardless of Depression! - Herbert W Armstrong - May 1934
We are in the world's worst Depression. The gaunt specter of Hunger and Want stalks every land. Yet Almighty God promises us: My God shall supply all your NEED according to His riches in glory by...
View ArticleEDITORIAL - Herbert W Armstrong - June 1934
The other day the editor heard of a clever "con" game which has made considerable money for certain swindlers. It contains a lesson we all need. One of the swindlers noticed a possible victim seated at...
View ArticleWhat is Going to Happen! - Herbert W Armstrong - June 1934
When will the next world war come? Which will be first, the war precipitated by Russia - or the revival of the Roman Empire? Here is a complete synopsis of impending events, placing each future...
View ArticleGod Prospers the TITHER! - Herbert W Armstrong - August 1934
How to figure the tithe - especially for the farmer or business man. Here are God's PROMISES to prosper the tither, and concrete modern examples of how He has done it! Here's HELP for the man in debt...
View ArticleEDITORIAL - Herbert W Armstrong - August 1934
Frequently people come to us freely acknowledging they are not saved. They believe there is a God. They fully understand their lost condition. But they say quite frankly they feel helpless,...
View ArticleWho is BEAST of Revelation? - Part 1 - Herbert W Armstrong - August 1934
IF you have his MARK, you must suffer the Seven Last Plagues! Is he a mysterious superman or world dictator, yet to appear?... Is he the antichrist?... Or is he a great power, such as a church or...
View ArticleWho is the IMAGE of the BEAST? - Part 2 - Herbert W Armstrong - November 1934
WE have seen that the "Beast" of Revelation 13 is the ancient Roman Empire. That it had a "deadly wound" in 476 A.D. which was "healed" in 554 A.D. and "continued" exactly 1260 years as the Holy Roman...
View ArticleThe Plain Truth about CHRISTMAS! - Herbert W Armstrong - November 1934
SHOULD CHRISTIANS OBSERVE CHRISTMAS? What is its real origin? Does it really celebrate the birthday of Christ? What does the Bible say about the Christmas tree? Where did we get our Christmas? Did we...
View ArticleEDITORIAL - Herbert W Armstrong - November 1934
Do you trust men more than you trust God? You will answer, quickly, "NO!" But are you quite sure? Suppose you are flat "broke," and without a single morsel of food in the house for your hungry children...
View ArticleTONGUES - Is the PENTECOST EXPERIENCE Being Repeated Today? - Herbert W...
Is "speaking in tongue" the BIBLE evidence of the baptism with the Holy Ghost? Is this "baptism" for us today? What is the Bible teaching about "TERRY MEETINGS?" Here is the PLAIN TRUTH about this...
View ArticleHere's the PLAIN TRUTH about the TOWNSEND Plan! - Herbert W Armstrong - March...
At the demand of scores of our readers and radio listeners, we present herewith the PLAIN TRUTH about the Townsend Old Age pension plan. This has become a heated and controversial issue: Some are...
View ArticleWhat is PROPHESIED for 1935! - Herbert W Armstrong - March 1935
THE Most amazing events of all earth's history are now occurring, just as prophesied in the Bible, in a swift moving panorama before our very eyes! Startling fulfillment of prophecies occurred last...
View ArticleMUSSOLINI goes to WAR - Herbert W Armstrong - July 1935
Even as you read this, he is marching to ARMAGEDDON! HERE is the most astounding prophecy of the hour! Heretofore unexplained! Now being startlingly fulfilled! The Bible foretells every step Mussolini...
View ArticleThe Coming World Super-Government - Herbert W Armstrong - July 1935
OUT of the present world chaos - with all important nations, save only four, having already suffered overthrow in revolution - out of this collapse of nations and institutions, will soon emerge ...a...
View ArticleWhat are the Times of the GENTILES? - Herbert W Armstrong - January 1938
AN Understanding of the "Times of the Gentiles" is vital and fundamental. It is the frame-work of the whole structure of Bible prophecy. It is a KEY to unlock the doors to understanding. Here is a...
View ArticleEDITORIAL - Herbert W Armstrong - February 1938
Do you realize what kind of times we are now living in? NEVER were prophecies being so rapidly fulfilled! The Roman Empire emerging from its "bottomless pit." The crash of Gentile governments!...
View ArticleHOW Demons are pluging the world into WAR! - Herbert W Armstrong - February 1938
AMAZING EVENTS that occurred in the Fall of 1914 - and now are again occurring - revealed! What do spiritist mediums and fortune-tellers know? The mysteries of the spirit world revealed by the BIBLE!...
View ArticleEDITORIAL - Herbert W Armstrong - March 1938
We live today in a babylon of confusion. Hundreds of denominations and sects, each teaching a different creed. The PLAIN TRUTH comes as a magazine of UNDERSTANDING to help those who honestly hunger and...
View ArticleWill TIMES get better? - Herbert W Armstrong - March 1938
The real meaning of the DEPRESSION, and the present RECESSION, according to BIBLE Prophecies! WHY have we gone thru the terrible depression of 1929-36? WHAT CAUSED it? What do BIBLE PROPHECIES say...
View ArticleEvents in Europe Move Swiftly toward World WAR! - Herbert W Armstrong - March...
THE past three weeks has witnessed world-startling changes in Europe. Read how these events suddenly have opened the way for the prophesied grouping of nations! SWIFT, dramatic changes in Europe...
View ArticleThe Despised FEW - Herbert W Armstrong - April 1938
COULD ALL THESE BIG POPULAR CHURCHES BE WRONG? WHY is it," asked the minister of a poplar denominational church, "if all the big church organizations are not right, that so few seem to know about it?...
View ArticleThe NUMBER of the Beast 666! - Herbert W Armstrong - April 1938
WHERE SHALL We find that mysterious number 666? Does the pope wear it on his crown, identifying him as the BEAST of Revelation 13? Or must we look for it elsewhere? Here are all the Scriptures speaking...
View ArticleWHY the Prophecies are Coming to Pass! - Herbert W Armstrong - May 1938
SOMETHING is wrong with the world today, But WHY? There is a general breakdown and collapse - political, economic, social, religious - all prophesied in the Bible! But WHY? Daily news headlines tell us...
View ArticleHeart to Heart Talk With the Editor - Herbert W Armstrong - May 1938
As this issue goes to press, Europe is on the brink of war. We do not believe a general, European war will come - yet. But a mere incident may now plunge the whole world suddenly into war. We SEE the...
View ArticleCan You believe BOTH the BIBLE and EVOLUTION? - Herbert W Armstrong - May 1938
So many are saying today, "You can believe BOTH the Bible and evolution." But this is emphatically not so! The Century Dictionary and Encyclopedia defines evolution as "opposed to creation" - the only...
View ArticleShould Christianity be Endured - or ENJOYED? - Herbert W Armstrong - May 1938
Have you thought of religion as a life of gloom - a sort of living, painful, penance merely to be endured - a lot of "don'ts", and giving up of every pleasure that makes life worth living - with all...
View ArticleBeginning... the strangest story ever told, The TRUTH about Israel - Herbert...
It is commonly supposed, to day, that, the Jews are the House of ISRAEL, But that is not true! It is commonly believed today, that Jesus "came unto His own, and His own received Him not," and that He...
View ArticleThe TRUTH about Israel - Chapter II - Herbert W Armstrong - July 1938
GOD'S UNCONDITIONAL COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM - BEFORE the days of Moses there was no nation known God's particular nation. Prior to Moses there was no written Word of God - no inspired Scripture - no...
View ArticleDOES EASTER REALLY COMMEMORATE the RESURRECTION? - Herbert W Armstrong - July...
Was Jesus three days and three nights in the grave, as He said in Matthew 12:40? Can you figure this between sunset "Good Friday" and sunrise Easter Sunday? Here is an astonishing Bible TRUTH! IT is...
View ArticlePROPHESIED EVENTS Speed on In Europe! - Herbert W Armstrong - July 1938
How Mussolini and Hitler are restoring the ROMAN EMPIRE in Europe. Who will dominate, Hitler or Mussolini? How will it affect the United States and Great Britain? Everyone following world events...
View ArticleHeart to Heart Talk With the Editor - Herbert W Armstrong - December 1938
Some people look upon Christianity as something to PUT OFF, if possible, until a last-minute death-bed confession - assuming that thus they can enjoy life, and still escape the tortures of hell. No...
View ArticleThe Strife in Palestine... a MUSSOLINI plot brings on World War? - Herbert W...
Startling disclosures are here revealed, of events fulfilling Bible prophecies, and bringing on world WAR! The fate of the world is held perilously in the balance by two men, little known t o the...
View ArticleWHAT IS PROPHESIED for 1939! - Herbert W Armstrong - January 1939
Momentous events are due to shake the world this year. Where do we stand, TODAY, in the prophesied course of events? Will there be another WORLD WAR?... and what nations will be in it? God alone, is...
View ArticleHeart to Heart Talk With the Editor - Herbert W Armstrong - February 1939
It is a great joy, to those of under standing, to look ahead into that glorious happy future, AFTER Christ has come! But we are still living, now, in the last climactic days of this present evil age....
View ArticleWHERE AND HOW THE WORLD WAR WILL START - Herbert W Armstrong - February 1939
Will it be HITLER, or MUSSOLINI, who will plunge the world into war? Where is the prime threat today to world peace... in Germany, or in the Mediterranean? Here is an amazing article, telling how, and...
View ArticleWorld War may come within six weeks! - Herbert W Armstrong - August 1939
A Brief Summary of the European Situation. If this were Europe, you would see going thru your town or city many special trains, crowded with reservists enroute to military maneuvers. Would that make...
View ArticleAre Christians Again to be Martyred? - Herbert W Armstrong - August 1939
Will The MARK OF THE BEAST be used to afflict - even to KILL many Christians, here in America? Here is an amazing revelation, from Bible prophecy, of events certain to occur in the immediate future!...
View ArticleWho is the BEAST of Revelation? - Herbert W Armstrong - November 1939
The Most important question of the hour is: "What, or who, is the BEAST, the IMAGE of the Beast, and the MARK of the Beast?" Whatever this weird "BEAST" - whatever the baffling "IMAGE" - whatever the...
View ArticleWhat of the European WAR in the light of the Prophecies - Herbert W Armstrong...
Is this the "ARMAGEDDON" WAR? In the August number of The PLAIN TRUTH, we told you "World War may come within six weeks!" It did. But it did not come altogether in the WAY expected. Naturally it was...
View ArticleEDITORIAL - Herbert W Armstrong - March 1935
As this issue of the PLAIN TRUTH goes to press Europe is on the brink of WAR. The loading news headline in the Portland Oregonian says: "FRANTIC EUROPE RUSHES TO ARMS. Cream of Youth Called to Colors...
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